In preparation:
- Croy, JR, Zaviezo T, Crossley MS, Smith OM, Snyder WE, AA Grez. 2023. Temporal niche differences between native and invasive lady beetles and the implications for complementary biocontrol of aphids. Biological Control. LINK
- Hu Y, Xu ZW, Li MY, Croy JR, Zhang ZY, Li HM, Guo WH, Jiang XL, Lu HC, X Guo. 2022. Increasing soil heterogeneity strengthens the inhibition of a native woody plant by an invasive congener. Plant and Soil. LINK
- Cope OL, Burkle LA, Croy JR, Mooney KA, Yang LH, and WC Wetzel. 2022. The role of timing in intraspecific trait ecology. Trends in Ecology and Evolution. LINK
- Croy JR, Pratt JD, and KA Mooney. 2022. Latitudinal resource gradient shapes multi-variate plant defense strategies in a long-lived shrub. Ecology. LINK
- Croy JR, Pratt JD, Sheng D, KA Mooney. 2021. Climatic displacement exacerbates the negative impact of drought on plant performance and associated arthropod abundance. Ecology. LINK
- Croy, JR, Acosta NA, & KA Mooney. 2021. Regulating plant herbivore defense pathways in the face of attacker diversity. New Phytologist. LINK
- Croy JR, Allen WJ, Bhattarai GP, Meyerson LA, JT Cronin. 2020. Lineage and Latitudinal variation in Phragmites australis tolerance to herbivory: Implications for invasion success. Oikos. LINK
- Nell, C.S., Meza-Lopez, M.M., Croy, J.R., Nelson, A.S., Moreira, X., Pratt, J.D., Mooney, K.A., 2018. Relative effects of genetic variation sensu lato and sexual dimorphism on plant traits and associated arthropod communities. Oecologia 187, 389–400. LINK
- Allen, W.J., Young, R.E., Bhattarai, G.P., Croy, J.R., Lambert, A.M., Meyerson, L.A., Cronin, J.T., 2015. Multitrophic enemy escape of invasive Phragmites australis and its introduced herbivores in North America. Biol Invasions 17, 3419–3432. LINK
In preparation:
- Croy, JR, Vázquez-González C, Pratt JD, & KA Mooney. Effects of plant ontogeny on arthropod communities are altered by drought. Journal of Ecology.
- Croy, JR, Crossley MS, Meehan TD, Glassberg J, NV Grishin, and WE Snyder. Butterfly development rate shapes response to climate change. PNAS.
- Croy, JR & KA Mooney. Soil and aridity interact to shape local adaptation of a foundational shrub species.
- Crossley MS, Smith OM, Barman AK, Croy JR, Schmidt JM, Toews MD, and WE Snyder. Warmer temperatures trigger insecticide-associated pest outbreaks.
- Croy, JR, Crossley MS, Meehan TD, Glassberg J, NV Grishin, and WE Snyder. Unrecognized recent declines among widespread North American butterflies. Global Change Biology.